Numerous people have the experience of neck pains and headaches on a daily basis. The alarming fact is that most do nothing about it apart from taking painkillers which only gets rid of the pain and doing nothing about the cause. Failing to treat the cause promotes neck pains and headaches leading to severe headaches and neck pains. Neck pains and headaches can result from poor health but they are mainly caused by our lifestyles. These days, most people use technology such as computers and smartphones which contribute to poor posture that causes neck muscles to strain causes it to pain. Here are the tips you can naturally avoid neck pain and headaches.
If possible, ensure you sleep on your back. Sleeping on your back is a great way of allowing your entire spine to rest comfortably. You can also try putting pillows beneath each arm to keep the neck free of strains. This kind of a position allows neck muscles to completely relax thus get rid of any neck pain and headache.
Consider putting your computer monitor at eye level. In most cases, you are needed to angle your head downward in order to see the screen of your computer. In this case, you should prop up your monitor to ensure it is higher to avoid looking downward. You can as well put your monitor in a manner that allows your eyes to look directly at the middle of the screen of your computer.
Ensure you drink much water. The spongy structure placed between your vertebrae situated in the neck are generally made up of water. Drinking water more often enables your discs to be strong and flexible which helps a lot in avoiding pains. In addition, water is helpful in ensuring that the brain gets supplied with enough oxygen to alleviate headaches resulting from the low supply of oxygen.
Consider carrying weight evenly. Most people make the mistake of carrying a heavy bag on one side of the body thus causing much strain to neck muscles on that side of the body. Avoid carrying heavy bags by ensuring you only take with you what is essential and try to maintain your shoulders at the same level always. A backpack will help you to maintain equal weights on both shoulders.
Establish a sleep schedule. Sleep enables your immune system to become strong while promoting deep relaxation. Stick to a regular sleep schedule where you go to bed and wake up at a similar time daily. Poor sleeping habits can trigger headaches and neck pains.